Why being your mum is so much better than being your best friend

PhotoGrid_1434539037398 (1)You are my best friend but more importantly, you’re my child. Being your mum covers that ‘friendship’ role but it is so much more than that.
Being your mum means I really have known you your whole life and I KNOW you I’ve learnt everything about you and you KNOW us as your parents.
Being your mum means I will always guide you in the right direction and never lead you astray. You can come to me with anything and I will never judge you, I will always be there for you and will give you my honest advice.
Being your mum means when you’re upset I have to put on a brave face because I’m upset too, even if you’re upset because I’m the one that’s told you off, it still upsets me.
PhotoGrid_1434538651307Being your mum means I get to kiss you goodnight every night and I wouldn’t choose to do anything else!
Being your mum means when you’re ill I can’t sleep because I keep sneaking in to check that you’re ok and I have to put that brave face on again because I ALWAYS fear the worst.

Being your mum means I’m tired today but that’s ok because you needed me last night.
Being your mum means I understand that as you get older and you have a tantrum or a teenage strop you will say things you don’t mean and I will never love you any less when you go through these difficult changes.
PhotoGrid_1434537513632 (1)Being your mum means I have to find my voice, because I know what’s best for you, I will always speak up for the sake of you.
Being your mum means you and your daddy mean more to me than anything ever could so you will always be my priority.
Our friendship will naturally grow as you grow until the time you have your own family then that friendship role will be as equal as my mum role. But for now being your mum is so much better than being your best friend!

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You Baby Me Mummy
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25 thoughts on “Why being your mum is so much better than being your best friend

  1. This is such a beautiful post and so so true. Sometimes our babies don’t know just how much they need us, just how much we worry about us and just how much we need them. I love this. So gorgeous 🙂 Thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday

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